Reply To: Could you offer an official OS-VVM git repo for git submodule linking?

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Could you offer an official OS-VVM git repo for git submodule linking? Reply To: Could you offer an official OS-VVM git repo for git submodule linking?


Hello Jim,

I have tried to commit all provided zip-file contents from the website into a repo. The Aldec files are excluded due to the unknown license state. I could provide this git-repo as a zip file or a read to use repo on GitHub.

It was just a bit of a playground to test the git submodule linking.
Nothing (except of a README) is uploaded so far !

I also registered an OSVVM test repo in my GitHub user account (no worries – the name is not unique on GitHub). Theoretically, it’s possible to do a take-over (never tested).

