Why does VHDL require explicit conversion from signed/unsigned to logic vector?

Why OSVVM™? Forums VHDL Why does VHDL require explicit conversion from signed/unsigned to logic vector?

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    The signed, unsigned and std_logic_vector are all ultimately based on the std_logic. Why does VHDL require explicit conversion from signed to std_logic_vector and unsigned to std_logic_vector?

    Jim Lewis

    Like types integer and real, the types signed, unsigned, and std_logic_vector are different types.

    One really cool thing about different types is they support independent overloading, hence, the “+” operator for signed is unique and different from the “+” operator for unsigned. If they automatically converted this would not be possible.


    In the VHDL as it exists today, we must use numeric_std. No arithmetic is thus possible with std_logic_vector, we must use signed or unsigned.

    I do not understand, what logic or arithmetic principle is broken when signed is converted to std_logic_vector implicitly or unsigned is converted to std_logic_vector implicitly.

    I am merely talking about this type of scenario as an example:

    entity cntr is
    port (
    i_clk : in std_logic;
    o_q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
    end entity;

    architecture rtl of cntr is

    signal value : unsigned(o_q’range);


    — This below line is invalid VHDL
    o_q <= value;

    end architecture;

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