How do you install osvvm in Vivado and share the libraries between projects

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    I’ve installed osvvm in Vivado using the method recommended in the README.rst file (or at least the way I understand it).

    source <path-to-OsvvmLibraries>/OsvvmLibraries/Scripts/StartXSIM.tcl
    build ../OsvvmLibraries # From tool command line

    Everything seemed to work OK with no errors but no osvvm library was installed in my project. In the end I stripped all the compiled osvvm files from the log file and recompiled everything into the project again in the same order as was done with the script. That worked fine, the project (a Doulos demo project illustrating Randomisation and Coverage) compiles and simulates in Vivado.

    Surely there must be a better way. Is there a way to compile the osvvm libraries and use the compiled libraries across different projects built with the same Vivado version, like the lib or vlib directories with other simulators?

    Jim Lewis

    Hi Charles,
    Currently OSVVM does not have control of where the Xilinx library goes. While we want it to go in the VHDL_LIBS directory, currently it is not.

    Once we have control of where the library is, then to have two projects share the same compiled image of OsvvmLibraries we need to have a separate place for the OsvvmLibraries and the project libraries.

    These sort of things will happen in a future release. If you know how to do this, I would gladly accept a pull request on GitHub to update the VendorScripts_XSIM.tcl in the scripts directory. That is the file that personalizes OSVVM scripts for XSIM. It is fairly simple.

    As a result, for now, each project will have to have its own compiled image of OSVVM. On another simulator, I would tell you that this is no big deal as it takes 20 to 45 seconds to compile all of OSVVM – unfortunately on XSIM it is a little slower and the library uses more disk.

    Best Regards,

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