Reply To: Running AXI4 Simulation from OSVVM Libraries repository
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First lets look at
TestSuite Axi4Full
library osvvm_TbAxi4
if {$::osvvm::ToolNameVersion ne "XSIM-2023.2"} {
include ./testbench
# Make TestCases the frame of reference
set ::osvvm::CurrentWorkingDirectory [file join $::osvvm::CurrentWorkingDirectory TestCases]
RunTest TbAxi4_DemoMemoryReadWrite1.vhd
RunTest TbAxi4_ManagerRandomTiming1.vhd
RunTest TbAxi4_ManagerMemoryRandomTiming1.vhd
RunTest TbAxi4_MemoryBurstPattern1.vhd
} else {
SkipTest Axi4VC "AXI4 VC not working in XSIM"
Now lets look at
TestSuite Axi4Full
library osvvm_TbAxi4
if {$::osvvm::ToolNameVersion ne "XSIM-2023.2"} {
include ./testbench
include ./TestCases
include ./testbench_MultipleMemory
# include ./testbench_interrupt ; # moved to OsvvmLibraries/Common/TbInterrupt
} else {
SkipTest Axi4VC "AXI4 VC not working in XSIM"
This second script makes no mention of the RunTest TCL command. How it is actually calling TCL scripts inside the testbench, TestCases and testbench_MultipleMemory folders that contain TCL scripts and these contain the RunTest commands.
These TCL commands TestSuite, RunTest and SkipTest appear to be defined in the OsvvmProjectScripts.tcl. There are other commands like build, analyze, include for which I have found no description anywhere. Is there a detailed exposition of the TCL API anywhere or it is considered not important for the end user?
Also, I see that two libraries are created: osvvm_tbaxi4, osvvm_tbaxi4_multiplememory. How come testbench test case/sequence libraries are being created for the AXI4 but not for Ethernet, UART and DPRAM? These other ones have RTL library but not one for the testbench files. The AXI testbench libraries have the largest size among all the libraries created by QuestaSim after compilation.