Reply To: Running AXI4 Simulation from OSVVM Libraries repository

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Thanks Jim. Now for a simpler question.

Often the BFM is going to used with a System created using Platform Designer in Quartus or the Block Design in Vivado.

For Platform Designer this means that we create a tcl file that tells the tool what signals make up the AXI interface so it can link them with the complementing master/slave port and create the interconnect.

For Block Design this means that we create special file used by Vivado that tells the tool what signals make up the AXI interface so it can link them with the complementing master/slave port and create the interconnect.

Now here, the BFM does not have separate signals but contains this:

— AXI Manager Functional Interface
AxiBus : inout Axi4RecType ;

How exactly is the user expected to connect to this or use this BFM inside the Platform Designer or Block Design?