Reply To: Riviera / MATLAB Cosim with OSVVM Scripting

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Riviera / MATLAB Cosim with OSVVM Scripting Reply To: Riviera / MATLAB Cosim with OSVVM Scripting

Jim Lewis

Hi Brad,
First thing to determine is what switches you need set to vcom and vsim.

If you look at the log or html log, you can determine what OSVVM is currently doing – or you can read the OsvvmProjectScripts.tcl (older releases) or OsvvmScriptsCore.tcl (renamed in 2024.05 to support future refactoring).

You can use SetExtendedAnalyzeOptions or SetVhdlAnalyzeOptions to add to what is passed to vcom. You can use SetExtendedSimulateOptions to add to what is passed to vsim.

Keep me updated as to how it goes. When you get it working, we would welcome a blog post on it.

Best Regards,