Reply To: Dissecting the OSVVM AXI Master BFM

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Dissecting the OSVVM AXI Master BFM Reply To: Dissecting the OSVVM AXI Master BFM


This code confused me and is found in the AXI4 manager source:

— Initialize DelayCoverage Models
AddBins (WriteAddressDelayCov.BurstLengthCov, GenBin(2,10,1)) ;
AddBins (WriteAddressDelayCov.BeatDelayCov, GenBin(0)) ;
AddBins (WriteAddressDelayCov.BurstDelayCov, GenBin(2,5,1)) ;

— Valid Delay between Transfers
if UseCoverageDelays then
— BurstCoverage Delay
DelayCycles := GetRandDelay(WriteAddressDelayCov) ;
WaitForClock(Clk, DelayCycles) ;

AddBin and GenBin is used for functional coverage isn’t it? So why is it here?