Reply To: Dissecting the OSVVM AXI Master BFM

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Dissecting the OSVVM AXI Master BFM Reply To: Dissecting the OSVVM AXI Master BFM


The MIT document for streaming and address mapped interfaces states this: “One of the challenges of using a single record, such as AddressBusRecType, as an interface is dealing with multiple drivers on each record element. OSVVM does this giving each element a resolved type, such as bit_max, std_logic_vector_max_c, integer_max, time_max, and boolean_max. These are defined in the OSVVM package ResolutionPkg. These types allow the record to support multiple drivers and use resolution functions based on function maximum (return largest value).”

From my knowledge, VHDL already contains resolution functions for scenarios where something has multiple drivers. So are new functions required to resolve records with multiple drivers?