Reply To: Generic testControlProc – can this be a pattern?

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Generic testControlProc – can this be a pattern? Reply To: Generic testControlProc – can this be a pattern?

Jim Lewis

Some of what is in the ControlProc is pretty standard. Some of it is not.
The main items above that are custom are:

UartScoreboard <= NewID("UART_SB", NUM_UARTS) ;
. . . 
osvvm_uart.ScoreboardPkg_Uart.WriteScoreboardYaml(FileName => GetTestName & "_sb_Uart.yml") ;

Long term, we should be able to do the UartScoreboard as a constant:
constant UartScoreboard : work.ScoreboardPkg_Uart.ScoreboardIDType := NewID("UART_SB", NUM_UARTS) ;

Actually we can do right now as it works in the simulators. However, there is a sentence in the LRM that says you are not allowed to call the method of a protected type in a declaration region – NewID at a minimum does that indirectly.

So far I have not been willing to step into the void of what works but is not officially supported by the language – however this one is special as it is an approved change and I have already done the edit to the LRM for the next version of VHDL.