Reply To: VHDL Assert that prints the entity instance name and path

Why OSVVM™? Forums VHDL VHDL Assert that prints the entity instance name and path Reply To: VHDL Assert that prints the entity instance name and path


I have used these 3 attributes (simple_name, instance_name, path_name) in a process but it seems that Quartus synthesis does not support any of them at all. It just gives error “predefined attribute … is not supported”

p_assert_generics: process

report p_assert_generics’simple_name severity warning;
report p_assert_generics’instance_name severity warning;
report p_assert_generics’path_name severity warning;

assert MAX_VALUE < 16
report “MAX_VALUE is outside range”
severity failure;
end process;

From what I know, when we run synthesis, all processes in a design will run once.