Reply To: About cyclic randomlike the randc of SystemVerilog

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM About cyclic randomlike the randc of SystemVerilog Reply To: About cyclic randomlike the randc of SystemVerilog

Jim Lewis

Hi Kuri,

For practical sized randc values, functional coverage plus RandCovPoint can do the same thing that randc does.   If your coverage goals are larger than 1, then you will want to use thresholding.  See the Coverage Package Users Guide in the distribution for details.  

When using cross coverage, functional coverage plus RandCovPoint plus thresholding applies the principle of randc to each bin.  In fact, by changing the threshold percentage, you can either generate each bin one time before generating others or set the coverage goals higher and only randomize a bin that is within the specified percentage of the minimum coverage percentage.

