Reply To: Ambiguous subprogram call ReportAlerts in AlertLogPkg.vhd OSVVM 2015.03.

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Ambiguous subprogram call ReportAlerts in AlertLogPkg.vhd OSVVM 2015.03. Reply To: Ambiguous subprogram call ReportAlerts in AlertLogPkg.vhd OSVVM 2015.03.

Jim Lewis

Hi Olof,
It appears that GHDL is getting confused trying to differentiate the procedure call in the outer package and the procedure call inside the protected type.  The call is from inside the protected type.  I think it should always resolved to calling the local function, but will have to check. 

Outside of the protected type, there are no issues as the procedure defined within the protected type is never directly visible (and hidden here because it is declared in the package body).

What version of GHDL are you using?  Are you on the most current release? This should have been caught when they ran the demo programs that are part of 2015.01 (these parts of 2015.01 and 2015.03 are identical). 
Best Regards,