Reply To: Cadence support for OSVVM 2015.03

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Cadence support for OSVVM 2015.03 Reply To: Cadence support for OSVVM 2015.03


Hello again,

and thanks for your support.

Finally I was able to compile with Cadence ncvhdl almost all packages.

AlertLogPkg was the one that required most modifications expecially because of the new operators; if anyone is interested, I can share the modified code.

Still I have problem with CoveragePkg:

    file WriteBinFile : text ;


ncvhdl_p: *E,NOTIMP (/prj/nvem/sw/SynthWorks/OSVVM@2015.06/CoveragePkg.vhd,1221|7): Support of following construct inside protected region is not yet implemented.

While looking for a new workaround at least I can start using the random number generation of osvvm.Best regards.