Reply To: Dynamic memory allocation for random stimulus

Why OSVVM™? Forums VHDL Dynamic memory allocation for random stimulus Reply To: Dynamic memory allocation for random stimulus

Jim Lewis

Hi Louis,
I just ran some extended tests of MemoryPkg.  In the simulators I used it in, it did not show any signs of having issues at 16 bits.

The test walked across an address range of 2**30 in the memory model.  This requires an allocation of 2**20 blocks of memory, where each block has 2**10 integers.  First I wrote 2**20 random values into the memory (each in a different block), and then I read them back.  The data values were randomized.  The address always wrote to the first location in the memory block, so if there were any reuse of a previous pointer, then it would overwrite the previous value. 

Best Regards,