Reply To: GetCovHoleMin
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Hi Matthias,
Cool. Did not think of iterating. Mainly have been focusing on randomizing. If someone wants to do this now, without adding code, it can be done by the following ugly and inefficient code:
BinVal := Cov1.GetCovHole(1, real'(Cov1.GetCovMin) ;
Probably also need a to_point conversion that converts from bin values (RangeArrayType) to point values (integer_vector). Something like the following, but probably also needs controls to select item from a range, such as: first, last, random, middle
impure function to_point(Bin: RangeArrayType) ;
As an alternative, you can also do this randomly.
- Set the threshold value to 0.0: Cov1.SetCovThreshold(0.0), ;
- Randomize using Cov1.RandCovPoint(0.0).
This would give you sets like:
(2, 0, 1), (1, 2, 0), (0, 2, 1), …
Note, I am thinking that setting the coverage goal in RandCovPoint is a bad idea and perhaps it would be better to set things like this with an internal variable.
> Is there another way to participate in the development?
Right now, help would be a valuable addition. Even just getting help on testing would be huge. Perhaps you could propose to me off-line as to how that would work?