Reply To: Expected failures in custom VC based on AddressBusRecType

Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM Expected failures in custom VC based on AddressBusRecType Reply To: Expected failures in custom VC based on AddressBusRecType


Hello, thanks for your response!

Inspired by this I ended up using GetModelOptions to implement checking for slave error (my VC is a Wishbone master), and this appears to work as intended:

-- Test invalid register in slave (raise slave error)
ReadCheck(TransRec, x"100FF", x"0000");
GetModelOptions(TransRec, WISHBONE_OPT_ERR, BoolOpt);
AffirmIfEqual(BoolOpt, TRUE, "Expected slave error: ");

And in the VC:

    case TransRec.Options is
        when WISHBONE_OPT_ERR =>
            TransRec.BoolFromModel <= ??wbm_i.wb_err; -- VHDL-2008 operator to convert std_logic to boolean
        when others => null;
end case;