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When OSVVM is compiling files, I get a whole lot of messages like this:

# QuestaSim-64 vcom 10.6c Compiler 2017.07 Jul 26 2017
# Start time: 23:57:14 on Jun 06,2024
# vcom -2008 -work osvvm_cosim ../OsvvmLibraries/CoSim/src/CoSimInterruptHandler.vhd
# — Loading package STANDARD
# — Loading package TEXTIO
# — Loading package std_logic_1164
# — Loading package NUMERIC_STD
# — Loading package NUMERIC_STD_UNSIGNED
# — Loading package MATH_REAL
# — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
# — Loading package IfElsePkg
# — Loading package OsvvmScriptSettingsPkg
# — Loading package NamePkg
# — Loading package ResolutionPkg
# — Loading package OsvvmGlobalPkg
# — Loading package TranscriptPkg
# — Loading package TextUtilPkg
# — Loading package OsvvmSettingsPkg
# — Loading package AlertLogPkg
# — Loading package NameStorePkg
# — Loading package std_logic_textio
# — Loading package SortListPkg_int
# — Loading package RandomBasePkg
# — Loading package RandomPkg
# — Loading package RandomProcedurePkg
# — Loading package MessageListPkg
# — Loading package VendorCovApiPkg
# — Loading package CoveragePkg
# — Loading package TbUtilPkg
# — Loading package ENV
# — Loading package DelayCoveragePkg
# — Loading package MemorySupportPkg
# — Loading package instance MemoryPkg
# — Loading package MemoryGenericPkg
# — Loading package body MemoryGenericPkg
# — Loading package ResizePkg
# — Loading package instance ScoreBoardPkg_slv
# — Loading package ScoreboardGenericPkg
# — Loading package body ScoreboardGenericPkg
# — Loading package instance ScoreBoardPkg_int
# — Loading package ReportPkg
# — Loading package OsvvmTypesPkg
# — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
# — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
# — Loading package ModelParametersSingletonPkg
# — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
# — Loading package FifoFillPkg_slv
# — Loading package AddressBusTransactionPkg
# — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
# — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
# — Loading package StreamTransactionPkg
# — Loading package InterruptGlobalSignalPkg
# — Compiling entity CoSimInterruptHandler
# — Compiling architecture Behavioral of CoSimInterruptHandler
# End time: 23:57:14 on Jun 06,2024, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 0

However, I only need something simple like this:

# vcom -2008 -work osvvm_cosim ../OsvvmLibraries/CoSim/src/CoSimInterruptHandler.vhd PASSED

Or if it fails, then the reason for the failure. Is that possible?

Is it possible to tell OSVVM what switches to pass to the low level simulator commands that it is invoking e.g what switches to pass to the QuestaSim vcom command that is called when the OSVVM script’s analyze command is invoked?

I have also asked this on gitter actually.