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I was able to get the Axi4 and Axi4-Stream tests to work.
The above log also list the UART test, which is still failing (I checked again today).

ghdl --elab-run ended with error ghdl:error: overflow detected
in process .tbuart(testharness).uartrx_1@uartrx(model).P1
  from: process osvvm_uart.uartrx(model).P1 at UartRx.vhd:359
ghdl:error: simulation failed

I was not able to find (in the Scripts repo) an option to enable .ghw waveforms with GHDL.
Is there a preferred way to enable waveforms

I noticed you are using AXI4Master and Axi4Responder instead of slave.
The AMBA AXI4 standard document from version H.b on (IHI0022H_c_amba_axi_protocol_spec.pdf) is using new terminology:

Regularized terminology to use Manager to indicate the agent that
initiates transactions and Subordinate to indicate the agent that
receives and responds to requests.