Why OSVVM™? Forums OSVVM AHB, AHB-Lite, APB and AXI3 BFMs in OSVVM

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    AMBA contains many buses, some of which are old but still used possibly for simpler low bandwidth applications. These include things like AHB, AHB-Lite and APB. It also includes AXI3. Is there any plan to create BFMs for these as well?

    I am only trying to understand the level of effort being spent to create BFMs for popular data buses for the OSVVM. I could use these BFMs but do not need them right now.

    Jim Lewis

    AXI3 should be supported by the AXi4 VC. I looked at either AHB or APB – the one I looked at looked quick to implement. Do you have plans to use these?

    Currently high priority on my list is Avalon MM and Avalon Stream.

    Just like design, generally the verification of the VC takes longer than writing the VC.


    I did need these in the past at one point but I eventually used a bridge component than converted the AHB-Lite and APB transaction into basic MM transaction just with minimum signals on the other side and I finished the work using them. Throughput did not matter much in that specific scenario since it was reading or writing some few hundreds of bytes. I was basically interfacing with IP created by some 3rd party many years before my project. If I had a BFM with a monitor I would have tried to design a slave or master instead as the need existed.

    Certainly the Avalon-MM and Avalon-ST is a lot more important than those old AHB and APB buses.


    Hi Jim, can you give a status update on the Avalon MM VC? I need it for a new project and don’t want to re-invent the wheel.

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