Creating Asynchronous Clocks

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  • #2178
    Brad Adam

    I’m looking to create a simulation that uses two asynchronous clocks, is there a way within OSVVM to add a delay before starting a clock so that it does not begin generating at time 0 in a simulation?

    I’m not seeing any options for this within the CreateClock procedure, is there possibly another function that allows this behavior?


    Jim Lewis

    Hi Adam,
    Not yet. Are you interested in doing a pull request against TbUtilPkg?

    Best Regards,


    I am also very interested in this feature. That is a status of the change?


    Me too. What is about Jitter Simulation with min/max definitions of the phase to simulate short term jitter effects?

    Jim Lewis

    2024.07 updates CreateClock. They are breaking changes – meaning the way clock starts up is different. There was alot of unneeded complexity that was part of the old CreateClock that has been minimized – while still keeping clock changing at simulation cycle 0 (aka delta cycle 0).

    If you want to preview it, see the Dev branch. Nominally it looks like this:

      procedure CreateClock (
        signal   Clk             : inout std_logic ;
        constant Period          : in    time ;
        constant DutyCycle       : in    real := 0.5 ;
        constant Offset          : in    time := 0 sec ;
        constant ClkActive       : in    std_logic := CLK_ACTIVE 
      ) ;

    Without an offset, Clk starts with CLK_ACTIVE at time 0.

    The old CreateClock the starting value depended on the initialization of clock and whether the Clock active time matched the clock inactive time. That is not so good as a small change in setup (like initialize the clk vs not initializing it) resulted in differences in behavior.

    The old behavior will be available either as OldCreateClock or if you set options in OsvvmSettingsLocal. I will get more into this in the release notes later.

    There is also a version that has an enable signal (boolean).

    There is also a version that creates a jitter clock. CreateJitterClock.

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