failure to compile a Scoreboard in Modelsim DE using osvvm 2018.04

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  • #1465

    Hello OSVVM forum, and Jim 🙂 

    I am using Modelsim DE 32 bit under UBUNTU, i have turned an the -2008 switch in all my VHDL files.

    I have made a generic package for my scorecboard as follows:

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

    library osvvm;
    context osvvm.OsvvmContext;
    use osvvm.all;

    use work.osvvm_testbench_pkg.all;
    use work.design_package.ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE;

    package ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg_wrapper is

          — reference the package that define types and functions.
    — use std.standard.all ; — implicitly included
    package ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg is new ScoreBoardGenericPkg
    generic map (
    ExpectedType       => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE,
    ActualType         => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE,
    match              => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_MATCH,
    expected_to_string => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE_to_string,
    actual_to_string   => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE_to_string

    end package ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg_wrapper;

    I have been trying to compile a scoreboard without success for a couple of hours now. The error message i get is this :

    — Compiling architecture Behavioral of osvvm_testbench
    # ** Error: /home/barry2/vivado_projects/packetDecoder200G/packetDecoder200G/packetDecoder200G.srcs/sim_1/new/osvvm_testbench.vhd(132): A member of an uninstantiated package is referenced outside the scope of the package.

    I may have instantiated the scoreboard incorrectly in my testbench… i could not get my generic package to work either directly inside my testbench which is why i am trying to reference it from within another package file as above. All my code compiles except for this error. I am thinking i must have missed a step alomg the way. I have been follwoing Jim’s examples in his Scoreboard Generic Package User Guide
    User Guide for Release 2017.05

    My testbench (as far as this generic scoreboard goes) looks like this :

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
    use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;

    library UNISIM;
    use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

    library std;
    use std.textio.all;
    use std.env.all;

    library osvvm;
    context osvvm.OsvvmContext;
    use osvvm.all;


    — Packages with user Defintions for Simulation

    use work.design_package.BUI_TYPE;
    use work.design_package.ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE;
    use work.ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg_wrapper.all;
    use work.osvvm_testbench_pkg.all;

    entity osvvm_testbench is

    end entity osvvm_testbench;

    architecture Behavioral of osvvm_testbench is

        use work.ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg_wrapper.all;

    …… then just before the architecture begin i have this shared variable defined as a Protcted Type for my scoreboard instance :

    shared variable ScoreBrd : osvvm.ScoreboardGenericPkg.ScoreBoardPType;

    Can anybody help me figure out where i am going wrong please ?

    thanks, Dr Barry H

    Jim Lewis
    Hi Barry,
    A package instance creates a package.   For example, for integer, all you need is:
    use std.textio.all ;
    library ieee ;
      use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
      use ieee.numeric_std.all ;

    package ScoreBoardPkg_int is new work.ScoreboardGenericPkg
      generic map (
        ExpectedType        => integer, 
        ActualType          => integer, 
        Match               => "=", 
        expected_to_string  => to_string, 
        actual_to_string    => to_string   
      ) ; 

    Hence, the “wrapper package” in your example is both extra work and problematic.  Remove it and if you don’t have other errors you should be fine.

    Best Regards,



    Hi Jim, Many thanks for your answer. My problem is that i have tried every which way to get things to compile and i always get errors.

    My scoreboard generic package is defined like this now in a seperate design unit (i.e. a VHDL file):

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

    library osvvm;
    –use osvvm.OsvvmContext;
    use OSVVM.ScoreboardGenericPkg;

    use work.osvvm_testbench_pkg.ETHER_IPv4_ESP_MATCH;
    use work.osvvm_testbench_pkg.ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE_to_string;
    use work.design_package.ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE;

    package ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg is new ScoreBoardGenericPkg
    generic map (
    ExpectedType       => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE,
    ActualType         => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE,
    match              => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_MATCH,
    expected_to_string => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE_to_string,
    actual_to_string   => ETHER_IPv4_ESP_TYPE_to_string

    In my testbench i reference my new package instance like this

    use work.ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg.all;

    And i am wondering where do i make the instantiation ? I have tried like this in my testbench :

    architecture Behavioral of osvvm_testbench is

         use work.ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg.all;

    And when compiling my design in Modelsim i get this error

     — Loading package ScoreboardGenericPkg
    # ** Error: /home/barry2/vivado_projects/packetDecoder200G/packetDecoder200G/packetDecoder200G.srcs/sim_1/new/osvvm_testbench.vhd(45): A member of an uninstantiated package is referenced outside the scope of the package.
    # — Loading package design_package
    # — Loading context declaration OsvvmContext
    # — Loading package osvvm_testbench_pkg
    # ** Error: /home/barry2/vivado_projects/packetDecoder200G/packetDecoder200G/packetDecoder200G.srcs/sim_1/new/osvvm_testbench.vhd(65): VHDL Compiler exiting
    # End time: 08:43:03 on Aug 01,2018, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
    # Errors: 2, Warnings: 0
    # ** Error: /home/barry2/msim32bit/modelsim_dlx/linuxpe/vcom failed.

    So i don’t understand why i get this error because i (think !) that i have instantiated my new scoreboard package based on ScoreboardGenericPkg in my design unit : ScoreBoardPkg_IPv4Pkg.vhd

    and this package does compile fine…i have implemented some functions for the match, expected_to_string and actual_to_string ports and i have referenced this new instantiation with my include clause.

    Can you please help explain where i am going wrong Jim ?

    cheers, Barry

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