Hi all,
I’m using the scoreboard package which I declare:
library osvvm;context osvvm.OsvvmContext;use osvvm.ScoreBoardPkg_slv.all;
The simulation works, however while it was compiling the following WARNING occurs:
WARNING – D:\wb_vhdl\spk\test\volume_modulator_tb.vhd: failed to find a primary design unit ‘scoreboardpkg_slv’ in library ‘osvvm’.
If I use the ScoreboardGenericPkg, I have the ERROR:
** Error: D:\wb_vhdl\spk\test\volume_modulator_tb.vhd(27): A member of an uninstantiated package is referenced outside the scope of the package.
How can I solve this?? What am I doing wrong?
I’m using VUnit with Intel/Altera Modelsim.