OSVVM library support for questa sim

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  • #1060

    In Questasim 10.1d , I am unable to see osvvm library in modelsim.ini.

    As a result we are getting following errors:

    “Error: opcode_fifo/fifo_generator_v12_0/hdl/fifo_generator_v12_0_vh_rfs.vhd(46)): in protected region.”

    Also we are using “VHDL93 = 2008 ” in modelsim.ini

    Please suggest how to remove this error.

    Thanks and regards,


    Jim Lewis

    Sorry I did not respond to this earlier.  I only test with newer releases.  The problem with releases this old is that they may not support VHDL language features required by the packages.  While I try as hard as  possible to avoid constructs that tools do not support, I have also along the way submitted bug reports that were indeed fixed and are now required by the packages.


    *You may be able to compile it yourself using the steps given in the following blog: https://veriflabs.com/2016/01/using-latest-osvvm-with-questa-10-4/ (Though for latest release, idea should be common). In case you are stuck at more issues, post error message here.

    Good Luck



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