OSVVM Questa Visualizer Support

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    Hello! I’ve recently started using OSVVM to good success in the last couple of months, and am using Questa version 2023.2 for simulations. Questa has a new simulator that is called visualizer. With this version of the simulator, the only difference between using visualizer and what they are calling the classic simulator is the command line arguments to vopt and vsim or just vsim (depending on the flow used, 2 step or 3 step).

    Is there a way through OSVVM’s scripting API that I can have control over the command line arguments that are passed to vopt/vsim when the simulate Tcl procedure is called?

    If this is documented somewhere and I’ve missed it, I apologize. I’m happy to be referred to documentation if this is the case.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    -Jake Talbot

    Jim Lewis

    Hi Jake,
    This is something that one of the Siemens AEs has talked to me about and has worked on. I will have to see if he has something ready to submit for OSVVM. The plan is that Visualizer will simply use a separate VendorScripts_Visualizer.tcl. With that it should be fairly easy to do whatever visualizer needs done as all the hooks are already there.

    If for some reason the Siemens AE does not share, we can talk and get this updated.

    Best Regards,


    Sounds great to me. Thanks for the quick response!

    I’ll wait to hear back from you.

    Thanks again,



    Any updates on this? I’ve looked through the tcl scripts for the newest release (2024.03) and don’t seem to see any visualizer support yet.

    Thanks for your time,

    Jim Lewis

    Hi Jake,
    Are you running on Linux or Windows? Currently I am testing on Windows. My contact at Siemens says there are some issues with running OSVVM in Visualizer in 2024.01. As a result, I had not put the effort into running it just yet. However I have not heard from him about 2024.03. I will check.

    Best Regards,

    Jim Lewis

    Hi Jake,
    Sorry. In my last post I thought maybe there was a 2024.03 for Siemens. As I reread it I realized you were referring to OSVVM release 2024.03.

    I am testing on Windows. My contact at Siemens says there are issues with running OSVVM in Visualizer version 2024.01. So at least for Windows we are waiting for the next release of Visualizer. I understand that these issues are not a problem on the Linux version of Visualizer.

    I am hoping that the next release of Siemens will address this.

    Best Regards,



    Good to know. My apologies for the confusion. I was referencing OSVVM version 2024.03.

    That is good news for me, since I run the tools in a Linux environment.

    Thanks for the quick response. I’ll keep experimenting on my end.



    Any word from your Siemens contact on this? I’ve reached out to my Siemens FAE as well. By chance does the new release of OSVVM (2024.05) include visualizer support at all?

    Thanks in advance,

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