I’ve observed the following warnings when using the analyze command to compile Verilog/SystemVerilog files that are part of my DUT into an OSVVM environment.
“Warning: (vlog-13461) More than 1 logfile is specified using -l/-logfile. The last specified logfile … will only be considered for printing logs”
I’m using OSVVM 2023.09b and Questa 2023.02
The corresponding vlog command looks something like this:
“vlog -reportprogress 300 -l defaultlib -l <mapped library using LinkLibrary> -l <mapped library using library> -work <current library> -sv <verilog/systemverilog file>”
I believe all -l switches to the vlog command should be -L switches instead.
Are there some scripting API commands that I can use to fix this behavior?
Thanks in advance,
Jake Talbot