Alex replied to the topic How to use the same AxiManager in two different processes to access AXI4 slave in the forum OSVVM 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Thanks for the insight.
VUnit is an exisiting framework which is part of the current CI pipeline setup I use. Currently most of the testbenches use VUNIT HDL as well as the automation test runner features for CI.
As mentioned, looking to benefit from the OSVVM features especially VCs, functional coverage and reporting to enable a comprehensive…[Read more]
Alex replied to the topic How to use the same AxiManager in two different processes to access AXI4 slave in the forum OSVVM 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Thanks Jim, that helped. Now I have a running VUNIT testbench with the AXI4Lite VC. I would like to further extend this with the reporting features. I did browse through the scripting docu and the examples about the reporting. I am able to generate the YAML files. But the HTML reports are missing. Since I run a VUNIT testbench is there anything…[Read more]
Alex replied to the topic How to use the same AxiManager in two different processes to access AXI4 slave in the forum OSVVM 3 weeks, 1 day ago
I use the Axi4Lite Manager as a master to access an AXI slave in the DUT. I need a solution to access the AXI slave from both the processes whcih I an currently not able to because of the multiple detect error. The AXI slave does have a memory as well as register map for configuration. And the interrupt comes from the slave indicating an arriving…[Read more]
Alex started the topic How to use the same AxiManager in two different processes to access AXI4 slave in the forum OSVVM 3 weeks, 3 days ago
I have been using VUNIT for a while now and now exploring the benefits of OSVVM VCs. I have a VUNIT testbench where I access an AXI4Lite Slave from two processes with the same OSVVM AXI4LiteManager AddressBusRecType. When I tried this I stumbled upon the Multiple Driver Detection error. From looking at the TbAxi4_ReleaseAcquireManager1.vhd…[Read more]
Alex became a registered member 3 weeks, 6 days ago