Jason replied to the topic Barrier synchronization with integer_barrier in the forum OSVVM 1 year, 8 months ago
Thank you for this detailed response – very informative.
I found the TestDone signal in my simulator (was looking for it in the wrong part of the hierarchy) and it behaves as expected. FYI I am only using SetDebugMode and did not need to use SetInteractiveMode.
Jason started the topic Barrier synchronization with integer_barrier in the forum OSVVM 1 year, 8 months ago
I want to make sure I understand what is going on “under the hood” when using integer_barrier type barrier sync signal (as is done in the AXI4 testbenches). From what I have gleaned from reading “VHDL-2008 Just the New Stuff”, the simulator will automagically create an array of integers to pass into the resolution function resolved_barrier because…[Read more]
Jason became a registered member 1 year, 9 months ago