Ariel replied to the topic Waveforms not generated correctly (GHDL) in the forum OSVVM 6 days, 11 hours ago
Actually both, to have a robust test.
For the former, just to be clear, , I have an AxiStreamReceiver and I am testing my DUT which has an axis master. So, I want to assert in the TestCase tready before tvalid or after tvalid (1, 2, n clock cycles). Is that what you meant? Is there any example to follow?
Ariel replied to the topic Waveforms not generated correctly (GHDL) in the forum OSVVM 6 days, 14 hours ago
Hi Patrick,
Thank you for the clear answer. Makes total sense to skip the post-synthesis simulation then for my purpose. I am in fact using the OSVVM AXI Stream components which have tpd. I have a design with mainly several axi streams, so I am following the testcase
.I need to…[Read more]
Ariel replied to the topic Waveforms not generated correctly (GHDL) in the forum OSVVM 1 week ago
I am using Vivado, with behavioral simulation for debugging and step-by-step investigation. Then, I can run all the tests with GHDL, because as you said, Vivado is very slow.
I am getting the same results in behavioral simulation in vivado and also in GHDL. As I want to be sure that post-synthesis works without generating a bitstream (which…[Read more]
Ariel replied to the topic Bug in AxiStream Receiver for SetAxiStreamOptions that changes WaitForGet in the forum OSVVM 1 week, 1 day ago
Update: I re-transmitted again and on the second batch of data, then a_ready_in is asserted the clock cycles I set with RECEIVE_READY_DELAY_CYCLES. See here:
Is there any specific reason? Is it possible to set at the beginning of the process whether tready should be 1 or 0?
Ariel replied to the topic Bug in AxiStream Receiver for SetAxiStreamOptions that changes WaitForGet in the forum OSVVM 1 week, 1 day ago
Hi Jim,
Are there any updates on this?
I am also looking to not having tready asserted by the receiver at the beginning, but instead using RECEIVE_READY_BEFORE_VALID=FALSE and RECEIVE_READY_DELAY_CYCLES to assert tready after tvalid is asserted. See here
Thank Do you have a new and updated documentation for the…[Read more]
Ariel replied to the topic Bug in AxiStream Receiver for SetAxiStreamOptions that changes WaitForGet in the forum OSVVM 1 week, 1 day ago
Hi Jim,
Are there any updates on this?
I am also looking to not having tready asserted by the receiver at the beginning, but instead using RECEIVE_READY_BEFORE_VALID=FALSE and RECEIVE_READY_DELAY_CYCLES to assert tready after tvalid is asserted.
Thank you.
Ariel replied to the topic Waveforms not generated correctly (GHDL) in the forum OSVVM 1 week, 2 days ago
Of course! I assumed gtkwave would update when updating to the latest ghdl version. It wasn’t the case. Now with gtkwave 3.3.221 it opens as expected.
What about running the simulation in vivado? I’m mostly interested in post synthesis functional simulation as I have a vhdl module currently that works fine in behavioral simulation and works…[Read more]
Ariel started the topic Waveforms not generated correctly (GHDL) in the forum OSVVM 1 week, 5 days ago
I’ve just started learning about OSVVM and I want to see the wave forms after the simulation to help me debug. I am currently using GHDL.
I have a custom DUT, which I can see its simulation in Vivado (2024.1) with a testbench that doesn’t include any OSVVM-related code. The DUT involves a master and slave axi stream, so I duplicated the…[Read more] -
Ariel became a registered member 2 weeks, 1 day ago