Nagella replied to the topic GENERATION OF RANDOM BYTES USING RANDOM PACKAGE ONLY in the forum OSVVM 2 years, 8 months ago
Hi Lewis,
the above provided code with loop statement gives simulator busy message in console box.
Nagella started the topic GENERATION OF RANDOM BYTES USING RANDOM PACKAGE ONLY in the forum OSVVM 2 years, 8 months ago
I am trying to generate a random bytes to the uart transmitter module.But in the output waveform only one byte is generated throughout the simulation…below is a piece of testbench code if anything is wrong pls correct me.
note:uat_data is a input signal to the uart transmitter module.
variable RV:RandomPType;
variable…[Read more]-
Hi Nagella
To debug your code start by reading your code out loud. Do at least 2 iterations of your process.What we see is that you are calling InitSeed before generating each value.
Why is this a problem? Verification uses pseudo random. Each seed always produces the same sequence of values. For verification pseudo random is required so…[Read more]
Nagella started the topic randcovpoint in the forum OSVVM 2 years, 11 months ago
pls explain randcovpoint functionality!!!
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