Ajeetha Kumari
Ajeetha Kumari started the topic Using TCover to model bit transitions in the forum OSVVM 1 day, 21 hours ago
I am adding support for bit vector functional/toggle coverage using OSVVM. I have basic every-bit cover working (Will be glad to share a prototype if anyone is willing to review). Now, the next step is to ensure each bit really transitioned from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. I tried using TCover and by reading the implementation it looks like it would…[Read more]
Ajeetha Kumari started the topic SBRD: Check API uses AffirmIf, why GetAffirmCount is 0? in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
SBRD User guide says:
Check a received value (ActualType) with value in scoreboard. The Match function is
used to determine if the received and expected values match. Checking is handled by
AffirmIf. As a result, if they match a log PASSED is generated, otherwise, an alert
ERROR is generated.
</quote>I didn’t create any AlertID (yet),…[Read more]
Ajeetha Kumari replied to the topic SBRD package issue with Modelsim FPGA edition in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
That worked, thanks. Can we bukcteize this as potential race condition?
Ajeetha Kumari replied to the topic SBRD package issue with Modelsim FPGA edition in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
I guessed that and did add a 1ns delay before calling NewID – please see the stim process above. Still no luck!
Ajeetha Kumari started the topic SBRD package issue with Modelsim FPGA edition in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
Thanks Jim for the help with MTI version check (18.1 produces a seg-fault with NewID call). Now I have updated to the latest available – 20.1 and I see that seg-fault is resolved. However, during push I get:
# Time: 1 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /tb_af_up_dn_counter/u_testcase
# %% Alert FAILURE in OSVVM, Scoreboard Push Index:…[Read more] -
Ajeetha Kumari replied to the topic Generic testControlProc – can this be a pattern? in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
Thanks, aligns with my thoughts. Yes the generator already creates/uses clock/reset procedures.
Ajeetha -
Ajeetha Kumari changed their profile picture 9 months, 1 week ago
Ajeetha Kumari's profile was updated 9 months, 1 week ago
Ajeetha Kumari started the topic Generic testControlProc – can this be a pattern? in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
Hi there,
Coming from SV/UVM and the concept of design patterns applied to testbenches, am looking for common patterns in a typical OSVVM TB. Things such as:1. ClockGen
2. ResetGen
3. EndOfTestReportI believe the above 3 are straightforward (need to add #3 to my generator yet). What about some of the initialization code that I see in TbUart…[Read more]
Ajeetha Kumari replied to the topic GHDL workarounds – any known ones? in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
Thanks Jim, I understand this better now – it’s scoping issue when multiple types are getting visible to a test.
Ajeetha -
Ajeetha Kumari started the topic GHDL workarounds – any known ones? in the forum OSVVM 9 months, 1 week ago
I am new here in this forum, am creating a Python based utility to enhance productivity with OSVVM based TBs. One of them is a testbench skeleton generator that should go live shortly (opensource). While navigating some examples I see:
library OSVVM ;
context OSVVM.OsvvmContext ;
— use osvvm.ScoreboardPkg_slv.all ;
–!! GHDL
use…[Read more]