Iztok replied to the topic Xilinx not supporting VHDL anymore? in the forum VHDL 1 year, 9 months ago
Vivado 2022.2 simulator states to supports VHDL-2008. While this is meant to mean full support, there certainly are still many issues present. The focus was probably to support language features already supported in synthesis.
I personally tested support for VHDL-2008 fixed point number libraries, which require generic packages.
Vivado 2023.1…[Read more]
Iztok replied to the topic Running example test-benches with GHDL in the forum OSVVM 3 years, 7 months ago
I was able to get the Axi4 and Axi4-Stream tests to work.
The above log also list the UART test, which is still failing (I checked again today).
[Read more]
ghdl --elab-run ended with error ghdl:error: overflow detected
in process .tbuart(testharness).uartrx_1@uartrx(model).P1
from: process osvvm_uart.uartrx(model).P1 at UartRx.vhd:359
ghdl:error:… -
Iztok started the topic Running example test-benches with GHDL in the forum OSVVM 3 years, 7 months ago
I tried to run the latest Git version of OSVVM with the latest Git version of GHDL, all on Ubuntu 20.04.
Two tests I tried (AXI4Lite, UART) failed with what seems to be GHDL failures rather early into the build process (before simulation). Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known issue? Is there a combination of GHDL/OSVVM release tags, which…[Read more] -
Iztok became a registered member 3 years, 7 months ago